Cindy, thanks for commenting on my note and bringing me here. I plan on reposting your article to my subscribers to bring attention to this story. There have been too many stories just like this that need to be told so fortunately, we can see more like this.

SN: You and I seem to be on the same page on a lot of things as well. Pleasure to have met you.

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Hello Franklin, thank you for the support. I really appreciate your willingness to share my article. If we rise up and speak up, maybe those who are asleep will awaken!

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God's blessings to you Cindy, my heart breaks for your family. We stopped vaxxing our 3 children in the early 90's - we were guided to a Naturopath Physician who saved our children's health. I've been speaking about the dangers of vaccine injuries for 30+ years, I feel more are awakening to the Truth. I will never stop speaking Truth to medical tyranny. In GOD we Trust ...

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Thank you, Susan, you are so sweet! What a wise mother you are. Your kids are blessed to have you. 💗

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Hi Cindy, are you familiar with Kerry Rivera? She is the mother of an autistic child and she discovered a protocol for helping autistic children. https://www.allbookstores.com/Healing-Symptoms-Known-Autism-2nd/9780989289047

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Yes, I read her book. It helped my son greatly. But we have a long ways to go.

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My daughter found a doc who supports parents’ decisions re childhood vaccine schedule.

The doc even has a chart in her waiting room explaining the illnesses vaccines purportedly prevent are all easily treatable. But her new concierge fees are rendering her services near unaffordable.

It is encouraging to see how many in this younger generation have wised up and how they want to protect their babies. What is tragic is how hard it is for them to find support within the medical community.

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Doctors should never give a vaccine without testing for the child's haplotypes. Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker identified several that are problematic. If you have a vulnerable haplotype, you should never get any vaccine. The two worst are HLA DR4, DQ3 (8) and HLA DR3, DQ2. These haplotypes are prone to autoimmune diseases, including autism, and triggered by the shot or other toxins. Testing for the two haplotypes, one from each parent, is via a simple blood test.

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No One should be jabbing toxins into the flesh of Our children. Virology is a scam, Rockefeller's twin towers of lies for profit potential (petro-"medicine" and jabs) and fear (for control).

There are no such things as viruses or contagion. To this day, neither have been proven.

A Post to Be Viral (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/a-post-to-be-viral

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I totally agree. Now, are you familiar with the nuclear weapons hoax? https://kenkrypto.substack.com/p/nuclear-fears?r=4qa41

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Very much so, but I will check what You offer anyway. LOL! Are You familiar with the fact that money (anything that accounts for Our energy added into a system) is archaic?

The End of (Social) Entropy (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-end-of-entropy

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I hear going carnivore diet help people with autism greatly.

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I’ve done the Carnivore diet twice for a month both times. I felt horrible. This girl needs carbs.

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Watched the RFK video. Loved it. So much more nuanced than what the anti-RFK media reports. Also, vaccine courts are real. Worked for a firm that had at least one client who was a recipient of regular, ongoing, payments awarded by that court due to vaccine injury. The firm managed the payments as the recipient was a minor. Thank you for sharing.

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It’s good to hear perspectives like yours from the legal side.

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This is so sad. I don't know how they can keep continuing to do this to our children! You write about my hot button topics. In the U.S. doctors are incentivized also but it isn't talked about. I know too many people whose kids were injured with autism after MMR, etc. In fact, my kids are all vaccine injured in some way..........severe allergies, asthma, gut issues, etc. Every day I just get sick thinking about how we took the kids to those well-baby visits which are total garbage. Unfortunately I had triplet preemies first and our heads were spinning and there wasn't the internet like now. I just get sick every day thinking I allowed my babies to get multiple shots when they were 3 to 4 pounds!!! By the time I learned about school vaccine exemptions, the damage was done. What sickens me even more is that once the kids turned 18 and went to college they made their own decisions and negated everything. I should have pushed harder to get them exemptions. My one daughter after taking a couple of shots for her university became very ill soon after with gut issues she still battles with. My son got locked out of his school account until he went to get a particular jab. The covid scam also did not help, they bought into it, we warned them...........I am just sick writing this.

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Aww my heart goes out to you! You thought you were going what was best for your kids. Now we know better and we can help other parents see the truth.

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Well I hate to say it but very few pharmacists will be honest with you about vaccines because they too are financially incentivized to sell you that shot by both the sale and the “bonus” you get for meeting quotas set by corporate. Not only that but they also buy into the whole vaccines can do no harm business even though they were exempted from lawsuits because they were (in the immortal words of THE LAW) “unavoidably unsafe”. Good times. I’m pretty much sneered at by colleagues for my stance on vaccination (I won’t do it). AND I will do my best to talk people out of them. So. While *some* of us take our duty to do no harm and to educate ourselves responsibly about the medications we dispense, we are unfortunately in the minority as well as those few doctors who will be honest about it. Sad but true.

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You are a rareity! Thank you for doing your part and working with integrity. I hope one day your coworkers wake up to the harm they are causing people.

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It breaks My heart. May Humanity remove the psychopaths in control and the social entropy They create!

The End of (Social) Entropy (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-end-of-entropy

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